Sunday, December 14, 2008

冬は必ず春となる ~"Winter Always Turns to Spring"

ついに雪が舞い降りた (12月13日夜)
It started to snow finally..... December 13th

This is the second winter in Seattle

I do not like winter at all but I always remind one saying that I love in winter


"Winter Always Turns to Spring"

Austria has similar sayings such as "After the rain comes sunshine"

Both of them are the philosophy of hope, a source of encouragement


December 10th was the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

前文にはこうある: 「全人類一人一人の尊厳と、平等かつ奪うことのできない権利こそ、自由、正義、そして、世界平和を構築する上での基礎であり土台である!」

The preamble says: "Wereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, ....."

Freedom, justice, world peace, ..... none of them is provided to you automatically.
That's why the phylosophy of hope illuminates the humanity to win, keep winning!

1 comment:

Ward said...

Thank you for reminding us!!!!