Monday, December 29, 2008

読書嫌いの貴重な読書リスト - Book list of rare reader

10代の頃は 本を読むのが嫌いだった

In my teens days, I did not like to read

20代にはいって 少しだが 本を読むことが楽しくなり

However in 20's, it became a little bit fun to me


I have been reading with a v...e...r...y.... s.l.o.w.... p.a.c.e............

だから読んだ本の数も ものすごく限られている・・・

So, the amount of books I have read is very small and limitted.............

ヘミングウェー 「老人と海」

Ernest Miller Hemingway - "The Old Man and the Sea"

井上 靖 「しろばんば」 「夏草冬涛」 「北の海」 「蒼き狼」 「あすなろ物語」

Yasushi Inoue - "Shirobanba" "NatsuGusaFuyuNami" "KitanoUmi" "AsunaroMonogatari"

ホール・ケイン 「永遠の都」

Hall Caine - "Eternal City"

吉川 英治 「宮本武蔵」

Eiji Yoshikawa - "Miyamoto Musashi"

ヴィクトル・ユゴー 「九十三年」 「レ・ミゼラブル」

Victor Hugo - "Quatrevingt-Treize" "Les Misérables"

池田 大作 「人間革命」 + 世界の識者との対談集 数々

Daisaku Ikeda - "Human Revolution" + Dialogues with world intellects

トルストイ 「戦争と平和」・・・・現在進行中!

Lev Nikolajevich Tolstoj - "War and Peace" .......... Still on-going!


The amount of books that I was moved and come back to my mind in a moment is very small as above....


This year was 40th year in life.

今年はいままでになく たくさん読んだ ・・・・ ? 正しくは読んできた!

I have read a lot.......? Correctly saying, I have been reading everyday!

5冊同時進行で 毎日ちょっとずつ・・・・ 時には数行ずつ・・・

..... reading 5 books simultaneously, little by little, ........... lines by lines, ....


and then, ..........


right before the end of the year.........


finished reading one book.

This book says:

. . . . . . "Man is born for action. . . . Not to be doing anything is the same for man as not to exist."
. . . . . . "Victory-----there is no other option!"
. . . . . . "Always, it is the power of one's courage that opens the way ahead. Faith is another name for the utmost courage."
. . . . . . "Thunder, roar as you will! For I'll roar back even louder!"
・・・・・・「雷鳴よ 好きなだけ吼えるがいい! 私はさらに大きく吼え返すのみである!」
. . . . . . "Become a champion of humanism / Who makes the place where you are now / Shine as the Treasure Tower!"
・・・・・・「人間主義の王者たれ / どこにいようとも / その場を光り輝かせる王者たれ」
. . . . . . "If we abandon our dream, no matter how we may try to justify ourselves, there will be little left in the end but emptiness and regret."
. . . . . . "You must not spend your lives in vain and regret it for ten thousand years to come."

こんなにも 本を読むのが楽しみに思えたのも 未だかつてなかった・・・・
In addition to the rest of 4 books, I can start reading a new book from today♪
I've never had this kind of excitement to read books before in my life....
目標は つづけること。
Goal is ..... To continue.

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