The first book I finished reading in 2009 was
池田大作著 「君が世界を変えていく」
"The World Is Yours to Change" written by Daisaku Ikeda
This is the book I want many people to read, and the book includes the "Truth" what we should never forget when we act for "the peace throughout the world and the happiness of all humanity" and when we try to build the society for human beings where all can live as human being".
*** 抜粋 ***
*** Excerpt ***
内戦の中、ある母に ―
「おまえは”あお”(共和党)か、”しろ”(王党)か? どっちについているんだ?」
(ヴィクトル・ユゴー作 『九十三年』から)
She still looked at him as if she did not understand. The sergeant repeated ―
"What party do you belong to?"
"I don't know."
"Are you Blues? Are you Whites? Who are you with?"
"I am with my children."
―From Victor Hugo's
同胞(はらから)同士が殺し合う ― 内戦に”勝者”はいない。
"There's been too much slaughter! Stop the killing!"
Violence is never the answer to violence.
To kill under the pretext of protecting life only perpetuates the cycle of slaughter.
If we desire the fruits of peace, we must sow the seeds of peace.
The life of a single individual is more precious than all the treasures of the universe.
Do not report blandly, "Two civilians were found dead."
Rather, weep with us over "the death of Jose," "the killing of Maria"!
It is not enough to write, "Family of five dead."
No. Tell us the names of the mother, father and children and the story of their lives.
Tell us of their struggle with hunger, the meager meals they shared, the modest hopes they nursed.
Tell us of the days when they huddled together with no words to express what they felt, or of the occasional mornings when they drew water from the well with smiles on their faces.
Let the world know the details of their lives, and of the utter curelty with which those lives were destroyed.
Every war, when viewed from the undistorted perspective of life's sanctity, is a "civil war" waged by humanity against itself.
When brothers and sisters of the human family kill one another, there are no victors.