Saturday, February 2, 2008

Unexpectedly warmer Cincinnati.....only today?

From Seattle to Cincinnati.....

4 hours flight + 3 hours time difference
It takes one day just for the trip from WA to OH....

It is unexpectedly warmer than last year in Cincinnati! .... very fortunately!

Opened the book "CHOOSE HOPE" again in the hotel room......

"It is important to make concrete proposals toward the peace of humankind and to take the lead in seeing them realized."
"Concrete proposals - even if they are not immediately realized - become the sparks from which the light of peace will grow. Empty talk is futile. The concreteness of a proposal is the pillar of its realization, which supports the roof protecting humanity."

As mentioned in the book, Mr. Daisaku Ikeda-the author of this book has kept releasing the "Peace Proposal" on January 26th every year from 1983.

It was shocking for me to know about that the "Global Warming" possibly cause "Nuclear Weapon Spreading"......

I hope this proposal would be read by people.... as many people in the globe as possible...

not only the limitted people like UN workers but also individual global citizens.

One part of 2008 Peace Proposal was introduced in JAPAN TIMES (1.31.2008) :
"Say no to nukes in the Arctic"

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